IS WHAT? LCMR is a record label and recording company. We decided it was time to start a record label for all of the ficticious and semi-real bands that should - and in some cases actually do - exist. There's too much cock out there, not enough rock.
Everything on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license, which means you're encourged to share, repost, remix, cover, and do whatever you want with it, as long as you're not profiting off of our music (but let us know if you're foolish enough to think that you can), and as long as you give us credit (a link back to the website would be nice).
JOIN! LCMR means something very specific but we cannot put it to txt. If you understand and would like us to host your music, send us an email (no attachments), with a link to a website where we can hear your music.
contact: info "at" lcmrrecords "dot" org |